Friday, 10 December 2021

Line Art / Maths

 I created a line art masterpiece. Line art is a art work by using lines to create it.

First I planned out what my art would look like. I started creating a huge star in the middle and did designs in the blank areas. The start of the star I created was nice. The colours I used for it were red, green and light blue.

Afterwards I drew different designs in the corners  to make it look interesting. I created an eye design in the corners while adding other stars.

Finally I created more stars but some inside of a diamond shape. The top part of the line is the axis (axes) the bottom line is the intersection. The intersection is the line in between the two squares. I rulered a line starting from the vertical rulering to the horizontal axis. The art I created was sweet.

The experience was amazing because I created cool designs on my line art. I took lots of skills to create my masterpiece.  My next step is to create cooler line art designs.

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