Friday 18 December 2020

Haiku Poem

 I made a Haiku Poem.

A Haiku Poem is when you write down 3 boxes and I have to 5 syllables in the first box, 7 syllables in the second and 5 in the third.

I had fun doing this task.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Optical Illusion

I did a optical illusion using google draws. 

I got a shape and copied and paste and made a cool illusion and then I made another one using a different kind of. 

 I like doing this task.

What are you doing today?

 This task was what are you doing today? 

It was an Te Reo Maori task. I had to place the Maori word where I think is the best spot to put. 

I had to put a Maori word from the muiltable word I could pick and I picked tātahi and I think that means beach.

I had fun doing this task.

Kowhaiwhai Patterns

This week for Summer Learning Journey I made a koru art by using the copy and paste button it took me some thinking to do. I made waves and it looks liek this. I changed the background to represent summer. 

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Insect Art

 I made a insect art by using natures leafs and stick and other materials it was more likely a scavenger hunt but fnd leaf and stuff. What I made was a butterfly, I used different materials and thinking to do.

Comment #6

I got a comment by Fiona from SLJ team. She asked what do I think I can make out of the material. I reply asking what I think it would be and how many comments I did. I can believe that a SLJ team commented on my blog post.

Comment #5

 This comment was my fiveth comment and Haylee had a great blog post about comment blog post and saying, if she is ready for a next task for Summer Learning Journey.

Comment #4

I commented on Akuhata's blog post and he did his operation christmas drop. I asked him if that task was hard.

I like doing comments to peoples blog post.

Comment #3

 I commented on Victoria christmas decorations blog post and asking if she was happy doing this task.

Comment #2

I comment on Matthew's blog on his Summer Learning Journey Blog post. I asked him what does he think he can make out of the items he had in this blog post.

Fishy False Teeth Kick Start

 For this activity I did a task called Fishy False Teeth Kick Start. 

I had to read a article about the Fishing False Teeth, complete the template to help me understand the text. Watch a video. Imagine if the characters spoke what they might say and create your own comic - use the template below, Comix or other Comic Strip creator. In your own words add what you think the characters are saying?

The first task was to read a artical and answer the questions on the slide asking, who are the charaters, what part did they play in the story and what was the outcome for them.

Then I watched a video and typed in what I think the charaters are saying.

I love this activity and want to do the next one.

Monday 14 December 2020


I commented on my brothers blog (Matheus) and I commented on his Summer Learn Journey blog post asking what does he think he can make out of the materials he had.

I like commenting on other peoples blogs.

Summer Learning Journey

 For SLJ ( Summer Learning Journey) We went on a material hunt.

We had to find paper, empty bottle, something heavy, tin cardboard, hard cardboard, and other things. If we didn't find the materials we could find something kind of same and use it.

We took photos and pictures on screencastify and webcam. We had to record the materials that we find and take a photo of all of the materials.

The material we found was yellow paper, plasic cups, tin cardboard, coca cola can, tape, ruler and others.

We have all the stuff we need now we need to build something next Monday. 

Sorry we can't upload the video.