Wednesday, 26 May 2021


 The activity that we were challanged on was balancing while using sports equipment.

The rugby ball activity was where we had to get in to four or five people in a group. How we had to pass the ball to one of our partners was to pass side ways with one foot up.

This was an hard but challanging activity I need to work balancing.

The activity we did was balancing and passing with a netball.

The netball passing activity that we had to was to pass the net ball the partners chest. The tricky part was that we had to balance on one foot and we got to pass the ball a litte bit to the left, right, over or down.

This activty was pretty easy and hard at the same time but it was fun. I don't need to work on balancing.

The challanging activity I did was to hit the hockey ball while balancing.

The challange was to stop and hit the hockey ball to my partner and trying not to get my tipping point. The fun part was that the person rolling the ball didn't need to balance.

This challange game was really easy and fun to do. I don't need to work on balancing.

This activity that was really hard to do was the fizzbee catching.

The main point of this is activity was to catch the fizzbee and to throw it to my partner. The hard was to catch it and throw it because we had to throw the fizzbee like a rugby ball.

This fizzbee task was really hard to me because I really need to practise balancing.

The last balancing activity was the basketball throw.

The main idea was to bounce the ball and passing it like the netball passing to the chest. To make it challanging we got choose to bounce the ball to the right and left hand. I was doing different kinds of balancing to find my tipping point.

This was the easy ut hard activit that I ever done, but I need to work on my balancing.

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