Tuesday, 14 December 2021

SLJ Poetry Slam

 This summer learning journey  I did a poetry slam. Poetry slam is a piece of poetry that has nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs

First I did nouns, the word I chose was chicken. I did verbs.Verbs are action words.The word I picked was jump. Adjective is a describing word. For example, brown is an adjective.  Then I have the adverb. For example the adverb of rapid is rapidly.

Second I used the thesaurus to help me complete the synonym. Synonyms are using different words to describe the same thing, for example the synonym of the word is hen is chicken. I did hop for jump, chocolate for the colour brown, and swift for rapidly. Then I added photos to each of the words and linked it to the website it came from.

In the end I added my photo to the middle where it says photo. Then I added photos of what I will do in the holidays. I added 7 photos on what I would do.

I want to add more photos of what I will do during the holidays. I need to step up my work next time.

Friday, 10 December 2021

Line Art / Maths

 I created a line art masterpiece. Line art is a art work by using lines to create it.

First I planned out what my art would look like. I started creating a huge star in the middle and did designs in the blank areas. The start of the star I created was nice. The colours I used for it were red, green and light blue.

Afterwards I drew different designs in the corners  to make it look interesting. I created an eye design in the corners while adding other stars.

Finally I created more stars but some inside of a diamond shape. The top part of the line is the axis (axes) the bottom line is the intersection. The intersection is the line in between the two squares. I rulered a line starting from the vertical rulering to the horizontal axis. The art I created was sweet.

The experience was amazing because I created cool designs on my line art. I took lots of skills to create my masterpiece.  My next step is to create cooler line art designs.

Broccoli Information


Broccoli is commonly used in India and China. Broccoli has different kinds of ways to be cooked.

Broccoli is a green vegetable. The bottom part of broccoli is called the stem. Broccoli foods in China are chicken and broccoli with brown sauce. 

Broccoli is commonly used in Indian cooking and Chinese cooking. Broccoli is grown in the ground and the flowering head and stalk are eaten by humans.

Broccoli has different ways to be cooked and what foods it isused in. Chinese food looks.

1. https://www.factsjustforkids.com/food-facts/broccoli-facts-for-kids/

Chinese Chicken and Broccoli - Erren's Kitchen Broccoli and chicken with brown sauce.

Monday, 29 November 2021

Line Art / Maths

 This task I was required to do was line art, to see how good I was at it and I learned how to draw cool art.

First I drew a line from 1 square to 10 square. I did this horizontally and vertically, then I wrote numbers from 1 to 10 in the intersection.

Next I drew a line from starting the number one and ruling a line to the other one in the intersection. I did this until I got up to the final line for ruling a line to the other 10. 

Finally I finished creating my line art. It looked like half of an eye. But I turned out fantastic to be honest. 

The line I created was looking. I still needed to go to the other side which I did. This was a great art time project to do. I really want to try out harder line art drawings.

Instrutions on how to pot your plant.

Planting broccoli it will take time for it to turn out perfect and delicious to eat. 

Legionella longbeachae is bacteria that can give sickness or even DEATH. Using gloves and a mask prevents the bacteria from touching or breathing it. 


  • Gloves

  •  Soil ( potting mix )

  • Trowel

  •  Water 

  • Plant box

  • Mask


1. Grab all the equipment that is needed.

2. Put on gloves and masks. (To prevent the bacteria from touching you or you breathing it)

3. Add soil into the pot. (Keep adding soil until the soils reaches up to line)

 4. Use your finger to make a hole for the seed to be place in. 

5. Carefully place the seed into the soil.

6. Put the soil over the seed.

7. Add water over the seed or seeds.( Don't add to much water because the soil would be soggy )

8. Add water to the side of the pot. (Because the water would be flowing into the bottom of the soil)

9. Place you pot plant in a sunny area and wait for it to grow.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

SSR Selfie

 This book I read was Alex Rider he's a teen superspy. He's mission is to find father and finds out that he's father works for Scorpia then evil company that tries to get Alex on their team. This book intersteing to read.


I wrote down reasons, my topic and my argument to my persuasive writing.

First I thought of what topic I will use to persuade my audience of what I will be talking about. I wrote down all the things I will use to persuade my audience and I picked Why we should be able to fly planes for free. I wrote down all the ideas of why we could be able to fly planes for free.

Next I looked up on the internet to find more information about why we should be able to fly planes for free and I looked at websites for information. I collected some information I could get and wrote it all down on a document. I wrote down lot's of information and reasons.

Finally I got links to different topics about my topic. An example is the reason for people to have free flights is for them to meet family and friends that they have never seen in ages. 

The experience was amazing because I got information about my topic (planes) and got all the reasons I needed. I would like to completely find more information about my topic and more websites I could use for my upcoming presentation.

QAR template

I completed a QAR and Synthesis task.

First I read the book Too Much Technology. It talks about how technology is bad for kids. Then I took the information and added it into the Synthesis document.

Second I added them into the prior knowledge box, the new information book and the new understanding box. An example for prior knowledge is people are connected to their technology and both keeping track of their surroundings.
Another one for new information is That people have been on technology too much that it makes people not have real conversion.

Finally I added all the correct answers in the correct box. I added the understandings for each question and completed that. An example is Q6 ( Question 6) The author tells the audience how bad technology is so they could agree with him/her.

The experience was amazing because I got to read new books and collected the information to add in the boxes in the Synthesis and the QAR box. I need to collect more information to add in the QAR boxes. 

Friday, 13 August 2021


I completed a persuasive document.

First I created a document talking about different things to do in an argument. Persuade is trying to make people agree with you or believe you. Be kind to the person that your having a argument with. 

Second I created a text boxes with writing like Be kind to the person that your having a argument with. Doing that people won’t think of you as a person that has anger issues. Listening to what the other person is saying because you can make an argument to make a comeback These will help you make an argument come back.

In the end I added more details to my poster like others. It is all to do with perspective. If looking at numbers it can look like a 6 or a 9.  

The experience was amazing because I got to grab all the information I needed to make a great poster for others. I really need to make one that is better than this one .

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Basic Facts

I completed a speed demon challenge on basic facts up to 20. This was an hard challenge and the time I got was 4 minutes and 26 seconds. I need to keep on practising subtraction up to 20.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Minecraft combat handbook

I read the whole book of Minecraft combat handbook. The illustrator of the book is Stephanie Milton.

They're different kinds of potions - slow falling, swiftness, strength, instant healthing, jump boost

How to fight - use slow falling when the enemy is in the water.

What kind of armor to use. Leather, iron, gold, diamond.

I enjoyed this book because it talks about information about mobs and buildings. Others could read this book if they haven't played minecraft before.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021


I completed an activity based on the Olympics.

First I wrote down the motto, creed and whakatauki for PBS and the Olympics, the logo and flag and the values. The motto, creed, whakatauki, logo, flag and values for Olympics for PBS and Olympics. The motto for Olympics and PBS is Strive and Achieve and Higher, Stronger, Faster.

Next I  wrote down the differences and similarities. An example of the differences between flag and logo is that the PBS logo means the Panmure bridge and the Olympics Flag means the 5 continents. I completed the 5 slides with the differences and the similarities

Finally I created a shield with my motto and my logo on the shield. The design I made was a happy face. The motto was don't worry be happy (The motto came from a song)

The experience was amazing because I got to learn about the Olympics and make my own logo. The next step I need to do is to write down more differences for the Olympics.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction can be solved by using two stategies: counting on/back, rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding forward using fingers, when the number added is under ten. Counting back is subtracting using fingers, when the number subtracted is under ten

Rounding and compensating is rounding the added or subtrated number to the nearest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by slitting the new number into the old number and the leftover.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating is easy stategies to use addition and subtraction, when numbers get too big to be solved with basic facts.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Party Popper Prototype

My company, The Toy Designers, created our prototype of our party popper.

First we collected all our material to create our party popper. We chose a plastic cup to make the confetti flig into the air. Then we poked a hole inside to put the rubber band inside.

Second we added the medium rubber into the hole in the prototype party popper. It's hard for our company to put the rubber band in the cup. 

To finish up our prototype, by adding the weight and stopper onto our prototype. Our weight and stopper is a dice and a toothpick

I learned a lot about building our prototype, and the party popper was sucessful. Toy Designers need to add more updates to our party popper.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Remembering Task

 The task for Maori was Revision and a Memory game.

We played a game where you have to remember where the card is to match it with the same card and then say the word in Maori. I got four cards that are the same.

Then we had to look up on the Maori dictionary to help answer the questions. 

I would like to work on a technique for remembering game next time.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021


 This activity that was really hard to do was the fizzbee catching.

The main point of this is activity was to catch the fizzbee and to throw it to my partner. The hard was to catch it and throw it because we had to throw the fizzbee like a rugby ball.

Then we start throwing the fizzbee and our partner had to run and catch the fizzbee. This told me lots of skills to master this techique. 

After that we did the same skill but we had to jump the fizzbee. I was really go at run and catch but now I needed to jump and catch the fizzbee this took me a while to get this techquie as well.

Then we started to do the same skill but we had to listen to where we had to turn. The derections we had to do was the phally, the hall, LS1 and our partner. This was a harder and the sweatest thing I had to do.

Then we play a game. There was two team, one non bebs, and bebs. This was fun to play but we saddly lost in the game but we tried our best. 

This fizzbee task was really hard to me because I really need to practise balancing.


 The task for Maori I did was Maori sentences. 

I needed to write down Moari sentence by uses these words. Kea hea te... i te... and the Maori word. 

For example Kea hea te pene? kei runga i te turu the pen is on the table. I had to write down 10 of theses.

Then I made a google slide writing down the 10 Maori words on each slide.

I like this task and I want to practise and ask Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie next time.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Toy Designers

 The task I was given was to change a popper design Mr Wong showed us.

I had to write down the parts of the popper, what it does, the changes of it and reasons why the popper would sell.

I wrote down all the parts of the parts. For example plastic cup, rubber band and tooth pick.

Then I wrote down all what the parts from the popper Mr Wong showed me like the plastic cup is used to hold all the confetii in it.

After that I wrote the changes that I would do. The changes I did was changing the rubber band to a thick rubber band because using a thick band it won't break.

Then I wrote down why people would by the my party popper. The reason why people would buy my popper is our Market will sale our party poppers because people likes pokemon and skittles.

This gave me ideas in my head of the party popper that I will make.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Topic Planner

The task that I have been given was to write down information about the book I just read.

The book I was given was talking about the paralympic. I wrote down what I fact I knew about the paralympic. 

I tried to find 3 keywords and pick one word for example cerebral palsy means having brain damage.

Lastly I wrote down key questions and question I would answer. Key questions are what the author thinks in their mind. Question I would answer is the question that I would answer.

I collected lots of information in one book and I would to read the other texts.

Explanation Planner

 The task that I have been given was to plan out an explanation writing.

I had to figure out a topic to plan out. The topic I chose was ice cream.

The next thing on a explaintion plan is a mechimisms. The mechimisms I wrote down was ingredients, mix and freeze.

Then I did the information source. The information source I did was to get the link from the website that I found my information from.

I need to work on writing hard mechanisms next time.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 These are the Panmure Bridge School Values.

In partnership with oue commuity our Values are condensed down to CARE.


We have the confidence to risk with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focused on our futures.


We show attitude to our learning by making good choices, and we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and repectful of all the people in our commuity and take care of our environment.

Excellence and Innovation

We set ourselves challenging goals, share ideas and think about our learning.

We had to show respect to the speaker. We needed to show attitude is where we had to not move around or play with the equipment. We needed to use excellents and innvovation to show other people to not play around with the equipment.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


The challanging activity I did was to hit the hockey ball while balancing.

The challange was to stop and hit the hockey ball to my partner and trying not to get my tipping point. The fun part was that the person rolling the ball didn't need to balance.

This challange game was really easy and fun to do. I don't need to work on balancing.

The activity that we did was the soccer ball. 

The main idea was to use enough power to balance the ball on our heads this. The second challanging one was to bounce the ball on our leg whike balalncing.

This was really hard to do and I need to work on my balancing.

The other activity activity that was difficult was the spoon and egg.

The activity was to figure out how much power did we had to use to keep our balance and trying to stand back up.

This was hard because I didn't known how much power I need to use.

The activity we did was to figure out how to hit te volley ball while balancing.

We started doing digs and sets. The set was easy because we had to bend my leg a little bit and pushing it back up.

This was easy because I have been practising volley ball.

The final activity was to hit the tennis ball from bouncing it and throw it.

The tennis activity was easy to do because my partner threw at the racket so I can hit it.

This was easy for me to do because I've been practising tennis


Tuesday, 1 June 2021


 Did you know that cacao beans can survive 200 years, and fireworks are seen in royal weddings.

 People light the fuse to make the fireworks ignite. We then added casual language. WHEN people light the fuse it makes the gunpowder ignite.

Cacao has a bitter taste, which is why they add sugar. Milk chocolate is the most popular cacao product which has milk added. Chocolate is a popular cacao product THEREFORE people buy it and eat it for enjoyment 


Reciprocal Reading

 The main activity I did was reciprocal reading.

The  story the we read was the story about Where We Lived. We had two leaders for each page The leader's role is to tell the group what to do by giving them different jobs to do. 

 The clarifier tell us if we have any tricky words. The claifier showed us all the keywords that we needed to know We got one person to asnwer the questions ithe when someone asked the group if they had something they were not sure of.  

The second most inportant role that we used was the questioner. The questioner told us how and where the battle was held and how many people died. He looked in the text again to find this information.

This activity was interesting to do because  my group found out hard words and the meaning of them.   


My group, Equations, and I measured the temperature from the big and little litres bottle.

First we measured the temperature from the big litre bottle. The big litre bottle was 64 C. Then we took a photo and the information in the text box.

Next we measured the temperature of the little litre bottle. The little litre bottle is 89 C. Then we took a photo and the information in the text box.

Finally we measured the temperature of the second big and little litre bottle. The temperature of the big and small litre bottle is 60 C, 98 C. Then we took a photo and the information in the text box.

I learned a lot about temperature and collecting the information. I got to finish all four temperatures. I need to go to a hot temperature next time.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Simliar Simple Machines

 Fun fact about wheel and axle is that the wheels generally spin in a balanced circle around an axle. Wheel and axel is used to move heavy objects from a place to a another place.

Unlike a nail, a screw has spiral grooves down its spike. A screw is pressed down against wood and turned with a screwdriver. The grooves cut into the wood. Screws is to hold luquid into a crate so not luquid would spill.

A pulley makes moving heavy loads a lot easier. A single pulley simply changes the direction of an object. Pulley is moving a heavy object from a low place to a high place.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021


An hook needs to be exciting and telling the reader an surprising fact to get their attention. Yesterday we watched a video about how to write a introduction in a explanation report. 

After that talked about what we knew about Mr Ogilvie. Then we choose the most inportant facts about him. Mr Ogilvie told us questions and one of them were a lie and the other two true.

Did you know the largest chocolate bar weighed 5,792.50 kg's. Chocolate is made out of cocoa beans. You have to roast the cocoa beans and melting it in the chocolate liquor. Then blending it with milk and sugar.

Did you know thst fireworks were orignated around 2000 years ago. It consist of powder, a fuse and flash paper. When all three mixtures work together the firework will make a loud bang.
Did you know that butterflys can taste with their feet. A life cycle of a butterlfy has 4 steps. There are eggs, caterpillars, chrysalis and butterfly. The life cycle of a butterfly takes 28 to 32 days.

I need to find more important and intersting facts about chocoalate, fireworks and caterpillar.


This is how to create a caleneder

Step 1: Choose a hard dates for people to read.

Step 2: Circle the two of the numbers from the date.

Step 3: Write down the date in a text box.

Step 4: Challange other people with your questions.


 The activity that we were challanged on was balancing while using sports equipment.

The rugby ball activity was where we had to get in to four or five people in a group. How we had to pass the ball to one of our partners was to pass side ways with one foot up.

This was an hard but challanging activity I need to work balancing.

The activity we did was balancing and passing with a netball.

The netball passing activity that we had to was to pass the net ball the partners chest. The tricky part was that we had to balance on one foot and we got to pass the ball a litte bit to the left, right, over or down.

This activty was pretty easy and hard at the same time but it was fun. I don't need to work on balancing.

The challanging activity I did was to hit the hockey ball while balancing.

The challange was to stop and hit the hockey ball to my partner and trying not to get my tipping point. The fun part was that the person rolling the ball didn't need to balance.

This challange game was really easy and fun to do. I don't need to work on balancing.

This activity that was really hard to do was the fizzbee catching.

The main point of this is activity was to catch the fizzbee and to throw it to my partner. The hard was to catch it and throw it because we had to throw the fizzbee like a rugby ball.

This fizzbee task was really hard to me because I really need to practise balancing.

The last balancing activity was the basketball throw.

The main idea was to bounce the ball and passing it like the netball passing to the chest. To make it challanging we got choose to bounce the ball to the right and left hand. I was doing different kinds of balancing to find my tipping point.

This was the easy ut hard activit that I ever done, but I need to work on my balancing.

Maori questions

I learnt how to ask and answer questions.

I needed say that the object is on the book in te reo. The sentence is kei ruga i te pukapuka. 

Whaea Odie asked everyone the same question and we answered with what we had on our card.

Then we had to make a poster with 10 kitchen items and I had to write it the names in Maori.

This Maori task gave me more information for me to learn for the up coming weeks.

Reciprocal Reading

The main activity I did was reciprocal reading and keyword.

The main story the we read was the story about Where We Lived. We had two leaders for each page the leader role is to tell the group what to do. 

 The clarifier tell us if we have any tricky words. The claifier asked us all the keywords that we need know We got one person to ask questions is the where someone asked the group if they have questions. 

The second most inportant role that we used was the questioner. The questioner told us how where the battle was held and how many people died.

This activity was intersteing to do because the my group gave out hard words and the meaning of this.   

Friday, 21 May 2021

Answers and question.

 These questions are here for you to answer. 

Block Twister

 The task we did was based on balancing.

The game that was based on balancing was block twister. The point of the game is to put one of the body parts on a square but we are not allowed to put two body parts on the same block.

After that Mr Wong showed us his ways of safe falling and taking the damage. Each falling way he showed us was cool.

This was a great activity and I want to do this again some time.  

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

The cause and effect fits within the mechanism structure of an explanation. The activity we did was the life cycle of a butterfly.

The meaning of cause is why something bad happens or good. Effect is what something or someone is doing after the cause happens.

An example of a caterpillar cause and effect is caterpillar eggs are laied under a leaf an therefore an animal will not eat find them.

This activity was intersting because I got to write down cause and effect.

How to ask someone to pass something on the left and right

I learnt how to tell someone to pass something on the left and right in Te Reo.

The Maori words that Whea Odie taught us last week us were tenei, tena, tera. 

The new sentence I learned was Hoatu te ... ki te taha maui. For example hoatu te paihere pukapuka
 (book) ki te taha mauiay te taha maui.

I need to keep on practising the Maori sentence so I can say it to Mr Wong and Mr Oglivie. 

The three similar simple machines

Three of the simple machines are similar machines that help people finish work easier. They are: lever, wedge and incline plane.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Reciprocal Reading

The main activity I did was reciprocal reading and keyword.

The main story the we read was the story about Maori Battlion it talks about what happerened in 19.14. We had four leaders for each page the leader role is to tell the group what to do. 

The perdictor is to predict what they thought the story would be about. The clarifier tell us if we have any tricky words.

The questioner is the where someone asked the group if they have questions. Lastly the summariser, summariser, tells the group what the story is about in a short sentence.

This activity was intersteing to do because the my group gave out hard words and meanings.  

Friday, 14 May 2021


I commented on Emmanuel blog about his time blog post. How to make a good comment is to greet them nicely and say if you did the same thing as them and alway say something nice when you finished your comment. 

This commenting actvity was great to do because I got to talk to a person that kind of did the same thing as me. I can ger ideas from the person I commented to.